
Naskah Opening Ceremony

Assalamu’alaikum. W. Wb
Good Morning
First of all let us pray and praise to Allah SWT because of his bless and mercy, we can come together without any obstacle here  with healthy condition in the event of English Camp 2016 LP3I Tasikmalaya . Second, let us greet and pray to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us to the path of light and left the darkness in this life.

LP3I Tasikmalaya

The Honorable ……………….. as .............................................................................................
The Honorable
……………. as ...........................................................................................
The Honorable Rizky Hikmawan as chairman of english camp 2016
And my beloved friend of
English camp
Ladies and Gentlemen, on this nice occasion, let me deliver the structure of the event today, as follows:
1.      Opening
2.      The report from Rizky Hikmawan as chief of English camp 2016 committee.
3.      The speech from Miss Untung Eko Setyasari as Head of Education of LP3I Tasikmalaya
4.      The speech from ………….. as ………………..
5.      “Penyematan”
6.      Pray
7.      Closing
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let’s open this event by saying basmallah
Now we invite Mr. Rizky Hikmawan to give a first speech.  To Mr. Rizky Hikmawan time is yours.
Thus the speech delivered by Mr. Rizky Hikmawan. Thanks to Mr. Rizky Hikmawan for his report.
The second is speech from Miss Untung Eko Setyasari. .  To miss Untung Eko Setyasari time is yours.
Thanks to Miss Untung Eko Setyasari for her speech.
The third is speech from Mr. ….. To …….
Thanks to Mr. ….. for his speech
Ladies and gentlemen,
The next agenda is “Penyematan” by ……
The next agenda is Pray will be presented by Mr. Aep Saepudin S.Pd.I
To Mr. Aep time is yours.
Ladies and gentlemen
Finally we get to the last session in this event that is closing. Let’s close this event by saying hamdallah.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Naskah Opening Ceremony Naskah Opening Ceremony Reviewed by Annur Subbekty on 7:31 AM Rating: 5

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